Friday, September 24, 2010

Slice of life of SAICE teachers

From Jitendra Sharma to "Tusar N. Mohapatra" date 24 September 2010 11:00 subject
SAICE Teachers

While all U.G.C. Professors of Colleges earn around Rs.70,000 per month and all service benefits including a good pension for all life, senior Teachers of SAICE are neither given any remuneration nor are properly respected. Many of these sincere devotees continue to suffer silently. Should things continue like this? Dr. Jitendra Sharma

1 comment:

  1. You raise an important moral issue.
    I am not a "Marxist", but Karl Marx once wrote that every shopkeeper can distinguish between what someone professes to believe and what he actually does. Follow this wisdom of the shopkeeper in the context of your concern!
