Thursday, March 1, 2007

The natural alliance that cuts across and unifies

One Cosmos Under God Robert W. Godwin
Again, the divine message, or descent, is available to all men, but becomes garbled as a result of various impurities in the human receptacle. For example, the Jewish concept of Tikkun olam, or "repairing the world," is turned inside out and upside down by "anti-rabbis" such as Michael Lerner, just as the Christian descent is lowjacked by leftists and transmogrified into so-called "liberation theology," a cancer in the body of Christ (so to speak) if ever there was one.
There are specifically Christian pathologies (the cult of victimology being one of them), Jewish pathologies, Hindu pathologies, and quite obviously Islamic pathologies. Perhaps you may have also noticed that these pneuma-pathologies unify members across these diverse groups much more than membership in the particular group. This explains the weird alliance between, say, leftist anti-Jews such as Lerner and Chomsky and Islamo-nazis, just as it explains the grotesque alliance between the National Council of Churches and monsters such as Castro, Arafat and other enemies of mankind.
Likewise, it explains the natural alliance that cuts across and unifies proper Christians, Jews, and members of other faiths. It explains the deep reverence a Meister Eckart had for a Moses Maimonides, or Ramakrishna for Jesus, or Valentin Tomberg for Sri Aurobindo, etc. These men meet in the interior vertical, or "Coonland," just as the inferior sort of religious men meet down below in the exterior horizontal.
Now, Schuon says something that would apply to everything I have laid out above: "All our preceding considerations may seem arbitrary and imaginative in the highest degree to one who clings to that immense simplification which is the scientistic perspective." However, my cosmic omusings will become plausible if "one knows how to draw from human subjectivity all the immediate and distant consequences it implies." For it is precisely this "dazzlingly evident mystery" of subjectivity -- the interior microcosm within the macrocosm -- that "offers the key to metaphysical truths as well as mystical experiences, the one like the other requiring all that we are."
In other words, to become what you are is nothing less than for the cosmos to know who it is from the inside out, which is to say, the purpose of creation, as it were. In ether worlds, time takes time, let alone eternity. It is the great privilege of the human state to know this. I do not mean to imply that this knowledge was unknown to men in Phases I and II. Clearly that was not the case. However, never before has it become so potentially accessible and available to all men. posted by Gagdad Bob at 2/28/2007 06:54:00 AM 57 comments links to this post

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