Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Integral Avatars Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Current thoughts Posted on Feb 13th, 2007 by M. Alan
49 today, though I only feel 19. That's life!
Actually things have been progressing amazingly these last few months or so. A week ago I did a theta healing course (taught by Simon Rose, who I didn't know before this but will now certainly vouch for), and have since been adapting and customising the technique, because 95% of it is just arbitrary beleif-system, also I'm not concerned whether one's brain waves really are theta, or simply standard alpha; it's the results that matter!. More thoughts on this, and the relevance to the Integral Movement, the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, etc, in my Integral Transformation blog - first post, second post, third post
As with all techniques, it all depends on maintaining it. However if is encouraging to see how quickly things are progressing. Only a few months since (thanks to Gangaji) I connected with Ramana Maharshi, an event that changed my entire spiritual consciousness, and made me seriously reconsider and reinterpret concepts like Enlightenment, avatar, etc, as well as enabling a more mature re-interpretation of Integral Yoga. Now Theta Healing, and my own development of it (not sure what to call it, Theta Transformation perhaps) has allowed me to get a far better insight into the New Age as a spiritual phenomenon (much of the New Age rests on the thesis that our beliefs determine not just our personal reality (including illness and health) but the lareger collective reality), Magic in paractice and not just theory, and integrating New Age beliefwork which is primarily practical with the Integral movement which is primarily theoretical and quasi-academic.In short, it's an amazing journey! All this will certainly be going into my book. My current position is that saving the world involves the following:
o On the mundane level - collectively - The Great Turning (social, environmental etc) but this needs to be broadened to include sentient rights (animal liberation) to be a true Great Turning. The Integral movement can serve as a theoretical framework, but this must be at a p2p (Michel Bauwens) level, not following a single authority. The time of following single authorities is over.
o On the subtle/causal level - healing the self and healing the world - esoteric insights and cosmologies, New Age beliefwork and lightworkers, hermetic, neopagan, and neoshamanic earth-rituals, healing modalities, working with subtle energies on the etheric, affective/astral, and mental levels. This seems to be occuring both the individual and collective levels
o On the enlightened level - realised beings like Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Ramana Maharshi, Bhagwan Nityananda, Meher Baba, and others disseminate spiritual transmission that can be received by those who are receptive. These can now be seen not as contradictory but as different aspects and flavours and avatars of the same Supreme. This linking up, union, concretion or synthesis of the Light of distinct sadgurus (distinct on the outer level of body, mind, and teaching that is) may perhaps be an important element in adding Light at the transcendent/divine level. There are also Intermediate Zone gurus, and whilst their Light is potent and it should not be discounted that in some cases they too also contribute to this Great Work, one should take care because they still have human samskaras and hence there is the frequent possibility of the abusive guru (as I have written about (in the context of Ken Wilber's movement and also on my website) and others have also taken up the story). However not all IZ gurus are abusive, and even abvusive gurus help many, even while they hurt and hinder others. So in the end it is safest to go with a guru who is a genuine sadguru, and avoid all that IZ baggage.
o On the Supramental level - the great work of the Integral Avatars Sri Aurobindo and The Mother is as relevant now as ever. One who can attune to their activity on the subtle physical, can participate in bringing about the Divinisation of the Earth, the Theosophere, the Omega Point, the Integral Singularity. This serves as the foundation upon which the work of the previous three levels is built. Access: Public Add Comment views (22)

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