Monday, October 20, 2008

The so-called objective biography is tainted with the author's judgmental comments and additional colors and tones

Anonymous said...
Many years ago a biography of Sri Aurobindo arrived only to educate, illuminate, inspire and even make people think (healthily). It was "Adventure of Consciousness". I read it, was bowled over and life changed; it transformed my world because I discovered a world out there created by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Here we have a new biography which has created nothing but bad vibrations, sadness, awkwardness for the Trustees of the Ashram.

Sri Aurobindo - the very name lifts, soothes and calms.

Here we have a new biography lauded by the supporters of "Objective" writing which does nothing useful, gains nothing, rabble rouses at its best. The so-called objective biography is tainted with the author's judgmental comments and additional colors and tones. All from a person who was nurtured, nourished and sheltered by the Ashram. The Ashram is the very "body" of the Mother and if Peter Heehs has any sense of dignity or decorum, he would himself resign/ quit.

And he should apologize to the Ashram community and Trustees for what he has done knowingly as an intelligent person. I pray to the Master to bring Peace, Love, Unity not only in our own family and communities but in the entire world. Love is IMPORTANT at this hour not intellectual dialectics. The devotees and followers of the Master and Mother have to NOW demonstrate LOVE, ACCEPTANCE and PEACE. It is essential for the whole world. 10:57 AM, October 20, 2008 Savitri Era 10:48 AM 9:06 AM 8:42 AM 8:33 AM 8:05 AM 3:01 AM 8:53 AM

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