Wednesday, December 27, 2006

You are saying that Aurobindo was an enlightened being, that you know this for certain?

alan kazlev Says: December 26th, 2006 at 2:41 pm Andy asked, And you are saying that Aurobindo was an enlightened being, that you know this for certain?
Yes. And The Mother too. This is evident from
  • The authoritory with which and about which they wrote or spoke (KW in contrast always uses second hand sources when discussing these matters, so do I. However this argument in itself is not persuasive because an Intermediate Zone guru also speaks with authority and direct experience).
  • The anecdotes of those who knew them.
  • Most importantly, and in addition to the above two points, there has not been a single case of them abusing their position. This is in contrasts to the “intermediate zone” gurus who have only partial enlightenment, but speak with authority and have dedicated followers whose lives were transformed. But the IZ guru will almost always in some way absue their position. The authentic and totally enlightened being never will.

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