Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Critical thinking in terms of integral theory

Cecilia Suhr Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I realized...that there might be an angel or angels looking over me... Ah. When I read Sri Aurobindo in my early twenties, it had a profound impact on me. Since then, I tried to find a way in which to advocate his teaching and to intervene academia with... this so called integral perspectives...Once in my class, i mentioned, supramental manifestation... and of course, I am going to be seen as a crazy girl... the danger and the great misunderstanding are that... when you talk about soul, people think... you are just a mushy romantic, not a critical thinker...
I've been exposed to critical theory for a year or two--not so long, but from where I come from, being able to think critically is seen as... GOD. Thus, if you are able to critque everything, you are brilliant! if you talk about. love peace, harmony and soul, of course you are being seen as this fatuous naive person who just has no clue as to what is going on in this world...
Thus, I thought to myself, maybe i should quit school, i don't want to be around people who pride myself as being such a "critical thinker"...(when to me a lot of what was being said was ... ) as if being a critical thinker is so hip...the only reason why, i repeat this. the only reason why... i.... remained in school...(while i knew my divine calling is to be an artist) is because I needed to make a critically divine intervention.
What I mean is, clearly, i had to show them it's not mind over matter but it's spirit over mind below matter but all are important...but clearly reason is only a bar... mind is only a machine wherein thoughts are able to express and articulate. so critical thinking... and critical thinking in terms of integral a cumbersome undertaking i must say. but i can feel that energy is rising amongst various scholars working toward it.... 4:28 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

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